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Hello Lovelies...
I grew up in the city of Stockton with a heavy influence in all things vintage, I found I had an eye for glamerizing the everyday woman and decided Pinup photography was for me. I have a firm belief that every woman no matter the shape or size is beautiful and I want my photography to reflect that, I believe in minimal editing and high on the glam! To me real women are beautiful so I dont believe In editing away what makes her unique and special.
I do a lot of Pinup because its fun and doesn't take itself too serously, it allows you to be cheeky, corky and also still maintain a womanly sexyness that I think is with in us all. who doesn't like to get all dolled up and have their picture taken I know from experence many do! I like to provide a fun and happy experence with great photos at a great non-purse busting price!
© 2014, copyright Bad Luck Cherry Photograhy Proudly created with
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